Message from
the Second Vice President, Membership Chair
Kisha M. Banyan-Shepherd
My goal as the second vice president and membership chair is to propose the vision of "Leading to Rise," through retention, involvement ,sustaining sisterhood and empowering sorors within the chapter.
I will devote my time strategically planning events that would promote sisterly bonds, and provide opportunities to nuture our ivy by instituting a strong mentorship program and facilitate other activities that will educate and allow sorors to pursue leadership roles within the chapter and within the sorority.
So join me and take flight and be ready to soar and reach a level of enthusiasm and excitement to be committed in serving Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
Members who are interested in reactivation with Psi Lambda Omega Chapter should contact our membership chair at:
Members who are interested in visiting must bring a picture ID and one of the following:
(1) A recent financial card
(2) A transfer verification form with proper signatures
(3) Any Ivy Leaf magazine with address label attached
Graduate membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® is by invitation only. For more information, please visit our international website.